We are building the first fully decentralized, secure, and transparent e-voting solution

Our core values
No trusted-third parties, no intermediaries, just democracy!
Keep your ballot secret. Reveal your vote, not your identity
No intermediary results. Unbiased free voting
Your community is your electoral authority
Count & Recount: Verify the results at all times
Elections that build sustainable trust
How the Pebble solution works

During the election: the voter chooses for whom to vote and encodes it in their ballot. The ballot is automatically encrypted using TLE and attaches a ZKP signature that anonymously proves their eligibility. The ballot is posted anonymously to the blockchain where they can make sure it has been taken into account.
After the election: the community is notified that voting has ended and can publish the decrypted ballots. Those ballots that have not been opened can still be decrypted by the community by solving the associated TLE puzzles. Any user can verify these are consistent with the ballots immutably registered on the blockchain.
Taking elections into your own hand
As election organiser
You can set up a customisable election for any community. Set the time, eligibility list, and the choices on which voters will be invited to express themselves.
As voter
You can join multiple elections. Your voting credentials and your ballot are encrypted separately on your device, without the intervention of any third party.
The community
Your community acts as its own election authority. The electoral body itself takes care of opening the ballots and can verify, at any time, the result of the election.
The best e-voting solution for you
As a highly modular technology, it is the new best solution for your organization, big or small, public or private, to easily setup secure digital votes that generate greater trust and bring people together.

Our latest posts
What is a decentralised voting system and how can it build trust?
The problem of securing the voting process through centralised e-voting solutions There is a clear rise of civil society’s mistrust in institutional central authorities, affectin
Pebble: decentralised, secure, and transparent elections
An introduction to Pebble and to decentralized e-voting